Reading the Best of You


Me reading your comments, ala Vincent Van Gogh

I’m departing from my norm today.  Instead of posting new thoughts, I’m inviting you all to go back to previous posts to read your thoughts. For the last two months, I’ve been reading the best of you with pleasure.  The traces of yourselves that you leave in your comments are funny, thoughtful and insightful.

I savor them daily.  I suspect most of you don’t go back to old postings to see what comments have shown up.  Today, I invite you to do so. They are worth your time.

Start with One Man’s ViewpointMy friend, Reggie, was intentionally provoking me when he wrote this.  That’s so totally him.  He succeeded in provoking some of you, too, judging by your comments. Don’t you think what he wrote, and the accompanying article by Matt Savage, Porn Addiction and the Fall of Men, call for more discussion?

Each posting has some jewels left behind by readers.  I’ve picked four of them that are particularly rich:  I’ve Been Addled Before, The Comfort of Her Arms, Another French Take on Exercise and Solace for a Grieving Heart #3 (Where Lady Murasaki has left us a video. Now, that’s a first).

Scroll all the way to the bottom of each of these postings, read the thoughts your fellow visitors have left behind, then click on the reply box and add yours.

I’m looking forward to reading what you have to say.


2 thoughts on “Reading the Best of You

  1. Georgia: I love the journey you are directing. Not sure how intentional it is but that is all okay. You and your partner readers are helping me grow confident that feeling a connection is good…and being more open to it. I am pretty much convinced that is half the battle. A lot of amazing people out there. If I am open to a connection more often than not it will be good. If I am looking for the failures…more often than I will find them.. Here’s to being open to the connection.